Abnormal tread wear will be visible and be an indication of a mechanical defect of the vehicle. Each wear pattern or combinations of wear patterns, will indicate definite mechanical problems i.e. incorrect inflation, incorrect wheel alignment, shock absorber failure, worn stabiliser bushes, play in steering mechanism, high spotting on brakes and tread separation on tyre. It will be necessary to have these faulty items checked and corrected or replaced/repaired.
When a tyre has suffered a violent impact against an obstacle (kerb, pothole etc) the tyre must be inspected by a competent tyre technician, as interior damage may be present, which will lead to sudden tyre failure.
Most tyre damage is due to, or aggravated by incorrect tyre inflation pressures. In addition, it is a major factor in the road holding and stability of your vehicle. Correct pressures are related to speed, load and vehicle performance and are vital for even braking, maximum grip and tyre life. Pressure checks should be conducted fortnightly, whilst tyres are COLD, with an accurate tyre pressure gauge. DO NOT inflate/deflate tyres whilst tyres are hot, as pressure does increase during operation. Tyre pressures should be the same for both tyres on the same axle
Prolonged under inflation causes excessive flexing and deterioration of the casing with excessive shoulder wear on either side of the tread area. Damage to under inflated tyres occurs to the cord body, inside the tyre, and is not visible unless the tyre is demounted from the rim.
Over inflation results in uncomfortable and unstable rides with reduced tread surface and road contact, resulting in excessive wear in the centre on the tread area. Many over inflated tyres suffer from impact fractures to the tread area, due to insufficient flexibility of the casing during impact. Damage is not immediately visible unless the tyre is demounted from the rim.
Valve caps act as a supplementary air seal and MUST be fitted at all times. Failure to fit valve caps allows dirt to enter into the valve core which will result in air loss due to the inner core spring malfunctioning and not allowing the valve to seal.
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